It’s been nearly a month now since my husband Frank* and I moved from (central) London to (West) Yorkshire – and as you can see from the photos above and below, it is absolutely AWFUL and is in NO WAY inspiring, enchanting, calming, invigorating and clearly good for our bodies and souls.
Thanks to walking and running up hill and down dale(s) – and along the River Wharfe – we are getting to know our new back garden and… it’s pretty blooming lovely. Literally. Check out the bluebells in Middleton Woods:

I can’t get over being able to walk on Ilkley Moor at the drop of… well, a hat. And I doubt I’ll ever get over it.

I’m also hugely looking forward to getting to know the writing, filmmaking and creative communities here in Leeds, Bradford, Yorkshire and beyond… So if you’re up this way too, please do get in touch!
Anyway, enough of the Yorkshire spam (mmm, Yorkshire spam… wonder if you can get that at Lishman’s?). Because no sooner did I leave Westminster than my lovely former Labour Group council colleagues – and new Labour candidates – only went and defied all expectations (and pollsters) to win control of Westminster City Council for the first time in its history. I’m utterly delighted for them – and residents, because the centre of London couldn’t be in safer, more caring and hardworking hands. As the new Council Leader (I will never tire of saying that) Adam Hug said, he and his Labour councillors will seek to “deliver a fairer Westminster”. And as I noted in my last speech as a Westminster councillor, that change couldn’t come soon enough.
*PS My amazing husband Frank is now working as a therapist/counsellor in Ilkley – if you or anyone you know is interested in therapy (he can work remotely via video/phone, so it doesn’t matter where you live), please do check out his new website to find out more. 🙂